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4.1 Awareness

4.1 Awareness

4.1. AWARENESS. Encourage the upskilling of frontline workers into middle-class jobs RESPONSIBLITY: Industry Partnerships (Lead) Backbone (Support) Education & Training (Support) Communications (Advisory) Data & Evaluation (Advisory) Policy & Systems...
1.4 Career Navigation

1.4 Career Navigation

1.4 CAREER NAVIGATION. Increase the use of career navigators in helping economically disadvantaged students and workers define career directions and set career goals  RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Backbone (Support) Communications (Advisory) Data...
2.3 Access

2.3 Access

2.3. ACCESS. Increase economically disadvantaged residents’ access to middle-skill training RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Policy & Systems Change (Support) Backbone (Advisory) Communications (Advisory) Data & Evaluation (Advisory) Industry...
2.3 Access

2.2 Capacity

2.2. CAPACITY. Grow capacity of regional training providers to meet the demand for middle-class workers RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Backbone (Support) Data & Evaluation (Support) Policy & Systems Change (Support) Communications (Advisory)...
1.4 Career Navigation

1.3 Career Exploration

1.3 CAREER EXPLORATION. Provide meaningful career exploration opportunities for residents entering the labor force or considering changing careers. Such opportunities could include career fairs, job shadowing, work-based learning, site/workplace tours, and integration...