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2.2 Capacity

2.2 Capacity

2.2. CAPACITY. Grow capacity of regional training providers to meet the demand for middle-class workers RESPONSIBLITY: Education & Training (Lead) Backbone (Support) Data & Evaluation (Support) Policy & Systems Change (Support) Communications (Advisory)...
2.2 Capacity

2.1 Alignment

2.1. ALIGNMENT. Centralize demand-side input to ensure that training curricula are aligned with regional employers’ needs and a 21st Century workplace RESPONSIBLITY: Industry Partnerships (Lead) Backbone (Support) Education & Training (Advisory) Communications...
1.3 Career Exploration

1.3 Career Exploration

1.3 CAREER EXPLORATION. Provide meaningful career exploration opportunities for residents entering the labor force or considering changing careers. Such opportunities could include career fairs, job shadowing, work-based learning, site/workplace tours, and integration...
1.3 Career Exploration

1.2 General Awareness

1.2. GENERAL AWARENESS. Design and execute campaigns targeted at key populations to raise awareness of high-demand entry-level and middle-skill careers RESPONSIBLITY: Communications (Lead) Backbone (Support) Industry Partnerships (Support) Education & Training...
1.3 Career Exploration

1.1 Labor Market Information

1.1 LABOR MARKET INFORMATION. Package and publish labor market and career information to support outreach activities RESPONSIBLITY: Backbone (Lead) Industry Partnerships (Support) Data & Evaluation (Support) Communications (Advisory) Education & Training...