Search Results

Targeted Occupations & Industries

Targeted Occupations & Industries Workforce Solutions Capital Area regularly analyzes the regional labor market, looking for industry and occupational trends. Based on this analysis, we have identified In-Demand Industries, In-Demand Occupations and Targeted...

Board Of Directors

Board of Directors We are led by a board of directors comprised of volunteer community leaders representing business, education, labor, economic development, community-based organizations, and government.We're recruiting! If you have experience, insight, and support...


Procurements Workforce Solutions Capital Area (WFS Capital Area) periodically issues requests for proposals soliciting service providers and contractors to operate WFS Capital Area career centers, deliver workforce program services, and to provide various...


Reports & Insights CEO Reports Get the latest news on local unemployment, workforce development, and policy changes in our weekly reports by Chief Executive Officer Tamara Atkinson.

Request a Career Awareness Presentation

Request a Career Awareness Presentation Workforce Solutions Capital Area is proud to support the great work of many workforce development, education and economic development organizations in our community seeking to inspire and inform residents about career...

Workforce and Education Readiness Continuum (WERC)

Workforce and Education Readiness Continuum (WERC) The Workforce and Education Readiness Continuum (WERC) is a City of Austin- and Travis County-funded network of community partners linked to help prepare Austin-area residents to enter or reenter today's competitive...

Jumpstart Your Career | Career Info Session Registration

Take the Next Steps to Begin Your Career[torq_timeline_horizontal content_placement="bottom" use_arrow="off" is_infinite="off" slide_count="3" is_autoplay="off" icon_size="40px" slide_count_tablet="2" slide_count_phone="1" slide_count_last_edited="on|phone"...

Contact Us

If you need an immediate response, please call or visit one of our three Career Centers directly.

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