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Make It Movement Landing Page

Welcome, Make It students and everyone! Workforce Solutions Capital Area is here to help you secure a job fast and help you with the costs and other services you need.We are your go-to source for job search assistance and employment-related services. LEARN MOREWe help...

Apprenticeships Now!

Apprenticeships Now! Opportunities for job seekers to earn and learn and for businesses to develop their talent What’s an Apprenticeship? Benefits of Apprenticeship Join an Apprenticeship Whether you already upskill, or you want to add upskilling to your talent...

Tools to Secure a Job Now

Tools to Secure a Job Now Check out these opportunities for you to find immediate employment or get the skills you need through trainingWho We Are Tools More Resources Whether you already upskill, or you want to add upskilling to your talent solutions toolkit, your...

Privacy Policy

Privacy PolicyThe following statement applies only to members of the general public and is intended to address concerns about the types of information gathered from the public, if any, and how that information is used. I. Cookies A “cookie” is a small file containing...

Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3)

Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) With the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3), you can pick up the tools and techniques of Skilled Trades, from plumbing to electrical work to sheet metal and iron work, under the guidance of master craftworkers. MC3Multi-Craft Core...

Austin Infrastructure Academy

Austin Infrastructure AcademyOverviewBy leveraging federal investments in transformative infrastructure systems, we have the opportunity to create thousands of family-supporting jobs and sustainable career pathways. This will bring the numerous local infrastructure...

Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment Adaptive Environments. The Workforce Solutions Capital Area Boards, as a recipient of Federal financial assistance, must provide the following notice that it does not discriminate on any...

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Workforce Solutions Capital Area offers financial assistance to eligible individuals for job search assistance, training, and other support services through funding from the TAA program.TAATrade Adjustment Assistance Workforce...

Labor Market Insights

Labor Market Insights Workforce Solutions Capital Area analyzes local and regional labor market data to provide businesses with the real-time, in-depth knowledge they need to make the right decisions for their workforce.Looking for more labor market insights? We’re...

Contact Us

If you need an immediate response, please call or visit one of our three Career Centers directly.

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