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Job Seeker Services Menu

Browse our unique service offerings to see how we can be of assistance.

Get Career Ready

Skills Training

Workforce Solutions scholarships support training for some of the region’s high-skill, high-growth occupations. We offer a wide array of specialized job search and skills training programs for eligible citizens of Travis County. 

Get Started with Skills Training

If you’re interested in pursuing training or an apprenticeship, we can help you determine what you want to study, how to pay for it and where you might go for assistance. Many of our training programs include wraparound services for eligible residents, including transportation, child care assistance, mobile hotspots, and more.

To get started with career training, click here.

You can also learn more about some of our programs and eligibility below.

RE:WorkNOW Rapid Training Program

RE:WorkNOW offers a diverse range of fast-track job trainings programs in high-demand careers for workers impacted by COVID. Enrollees are provided $200 weekly stipends, career advising, and placement assistance. Childcare, transportation, and digital inclusion will also be provided as needed and as funds are available.

Space is limited and enrollment into courses is handled first-come, first-served.


Apprenticeships are “earn-and-learn” pathways that allow people to get a paycheck while training on the job and earning their recognized credential.

Learn more and get started.

Free Online Learning
  • Metrix Learning gives you access to self-paced, expert approved training for 180 days! Pass your courses with 80% or higher to earn a certificate of completion, which you can download, print, and bring on interviews to show employers you have the skills they’re looking for! Metrix also offers industry certification training in popular certifications, like Microsoft Office, Project Management, CompTIA, and many more!

Job Search

Whether you are seeking employment for the first time or making a career change, we’re with you every step of the way.

Our Career Centers

Each of our three Career Centers has a public resource room where you’ll have access to:

  • Computers with internet access
  • Online job banks
  • Online career and job search resources
  • Copiers and printers
  • Telephones
  • Fax machines
  • Other self-help resources to assist you with your job search
Finding Job Opportunities (WorkInTexas.com)
Registering for WorkInTexas.com is your first step to finding employment. It’s a free, online, job resource tool brought to you by Workforce Solutions Capital Area and the Texas Workforce Commission.

WorkInTexas.com offers:

  • Access to thousands of local and statewide jobs
  • Online real-time job searches
  • Contact information for employers
  • Email notifications of job matches
  • Professional resume wizard
  • Helpful career tools
  • State of Texas or teacher applications
  • Ability to save your searches
  • Visit WorkInTexas.com to start your search today!

We created video tutorials to show you, step by step, how to register, set your account, and build a resume on WorkInTexas.com:

Job Search Workshops (Interview Prep, Application Assistance, and More)

We offer a variety of free workshops each week to help you find and secure your next job. Our experienced and dedicated trainers have taught thousands of job seekers how to get the most out of WorkInTexas, create effective resumes, ace job interviews, succeed at work and more.

Attend a workshop today at one of our Career Centers!

Hiring Events

We partner with local employers in two ways to find the right employees face-to-face and virtually.

Attend an upcoming hiring event at one of our Career Centers!

Career Planning & Labor Market Info


Unemployment Assistance

We will work alongside you to navigate the unemployment landscape.

Services for Laid-Off Workers

If you’ve lost your job due to a layoff or business closure, you may be eligible to receive no-cost services to help you return to work. We offer a variety of programs and services specifically designed for dislocated workers — persons who have lost their jobs in mass layoffs or business closings, or who have been laid off and are unlikely to return to their jobs.

These services include:

  • Information on Unemployment Insurance
  • Current listings and referrals to companies that are hiring
  • Workshops on resume writing, interviewing techniques, and strategies for conducting a successful job search
  • Training, re-training, or skills upgrading for job seekers who need to enhance their existing skills or obtain new ones
  • Career and labor market information (job trends, wage information, requirements, etc.)
  • Seminars on financial and credit management and stress management
  • Opportunities to meet local employers at hiring events
  • Information and referral to other community resources
Texas Workforce Commission Unemployment Insurance Services

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) handles all Unemployment Insurance (UI) matters. UI services are available online 24/7, and by telephone Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Note: As a rule, you can get help via the internet faster than by telephone.

All individuals who file an unemployment insurance claim must register for work at WorkInTexas.com.

For UI services available online go to the Texas Workforce Commission’s Unemployment Benefits Services page. Online services include:

To access UI services, please call 1.800.939.6631.

If you need assistance while at one of our Career Centers, please ask one of the Career Center staff. We will be glad to advise you.

Priority Service

For Veterans

We are a proud “We Hire Vets” employer, committed to serving our nation’s military veterans. If you have served in the Armed Forces or are an eligible spouse, we are honored to meet your job search and training needs. Honorably discharged veterans and eligible spouses are afforded priority services in our workforce centers.

Our Commitment to Veterans and their Spouses

As a veteran or eligible spouse, you receive precedence to use resources in our centers, including computers, phones, faxes, and referrals to new job postings. If you require the assistance of staff, you will be served promptly on a priority basis. You will also be granted priority access to training programs for which you are qualified and for which funding exists. Eligible spouses include individuals who are the spouse of a totally disabled veteran, spouses of individuals who while on active duty are currently MIA or forcibly detained and spouses of individuals who died as a result of a service-connected disability.

Read more.

Accessibility Tools

For People with Disabilities

Workforce Solutions Capital Area is committed to providing employment-related services to all citizens of Travis County.

Read the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment for more information on ADA qualifications and rights.

Accessibility Tools

As part of our commitment to providing services to all Travis County citizens, we provide accessibility equipment in designated areas of our Career Centers assist people with disabilities in their employment search.

  • Reserved workstations at each Career Center
  • Closed-circuit televisions/Video Magnifiers
  • Relay Texas info: 1.800.735.2989 (TDD) / 711 (Voice) and IP Relay info
  • Wireless keyboards with extra-large character font and track-ball mice (available for check-out at the front desk)
  • Wheelchair accessible facilities
  • A Reader, upon request
  • JAWS software
  • Zoomtext software
  • Accessible websites, including WorkInTexas.com. If you find part of our website is not accessible with your technology, please let us know by sending an email so you can be provided with the information in an alternative format.

All of our services and programs are open to people with or without disabilities on a self-serve basis.

Online Resources

We are proud to recognize several public and community organizations that provide helpful information and additional services for people with disabilities:

  • ARCIL, Inc. (Austin Resource Center for Independent Living) provides independent living services to persons with disabilities, their families, and communities throughout Travis and surrounding counties.
  • Relay Texas provides telephone interpreting service between people who can hear and those who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-disabled. 1.800.735.2989 (TDD), 1.800.735.2988 (Voice) or 711.
  • Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services provides services for people with disabilities to help them prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in employment.
  • Speech-to-Speech (STS) is a free telephone assistance service that helps people with speech disabilities who have difficulty being understood by the public on the telephone. To use STS, dial  711 or 1.877.826.6607.
Voluntary Disclosure for Specialized Services for People with Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits employer-related inquiries as to whether or not an individual has a disability or to the nature and extent of such a disability before an official job offer has been made. However, other federal laws provide various benefits and services for people with disabilities, both veteran and non-veteran. Therefore, a service provider may ask you to disclose your disability; however, you have the right to choose whether or not to disclose this information. Should you wish to explore additional disability-related benefits and services, you must inform your Workforce Solutions representative. This is a voluntary disclosure and the disability information is not required for provision of general services. This information, and any disability-related information requested on WorkInTexas.com, will not be shared with employers without your consent.