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4.2. CAPACITY. Support employers in upskilling their frontline workers through programming and technical assistance 


  • Industry Partnerships (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Education & Training (Support)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Data & Evaluation (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

4.2.1. Strengthen employers’ capacity to execute upskilling strategies

  • Organize a upskilling workshop to introduce upskilling, assist employers to evaluate their upskilling ability and put in place a program to improve it
  • Develop a one-on-one technical assistance model to assist individual employers to put in place the foundational components to support an upskilling program, identify specific efforts to undertake, and adopt the necessary internal practices and procedures needed to execute the initiatives
  • Encourage employers to join a forum for employers with upskilling initiatives to exchange ideas and share best practices

4.2.2. Connect employers with relevant training resources to support their upskilling initiatives

  • Help employers identify training needs and relevant training programs to meet those needs
  • Identify training providers or other resources that could best meet their training needs


Resources to support upskilling include:

4.2.3. Increase availability and access to funds that support upskilling

  • Provide resources on tuition-assistance programs to encourage upskilling
  • Apply for funds through Texas Workforce Commission, Department of Labor, private philanthropy, and others to fund training
  • Advocate with the Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships1 to secure more Federal funds for upskilling and work-based learning 
  • Collect data of existing upskilling efforts through the annual Upskilling Survey to help demonstrate community benefits to investing in upskilling

Give your input: Enter comments below (please also note the organization you represent).

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[1] Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships is an initiative of the National Skills Coalition. BLU is a coalition of employers working with training partners to close skills gaps, hire locally and advocate for policymakers to champion an invest in developing the skills of American workers. http://www.nationalskillscoalition.org/national-initiatives/business-leaders-united.