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4.1. AWARENESS. Encourage the upskilling of frontline workers into middle-class jobs


  • Industry Partnerships (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Education & Training (Support)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Data & Evaluation (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

4.1.1. Conduct outreach to employers to raise awareness of the business case for advancing workers and resources available to support this

  • Develop and utilize marketing collateral (including webpages, Upskilling Toolkit, and other materials) that describes upskilling opportunities, makes the case for offering them, and directs employers to resources available
  • Leverage national campaigns and resources to engage employers in upskilling their workers
  • Partner with industry associations and chambers of commerce to distribute information to employers about the benefits of upskilling through channels such as newsletters, speaking engagements, webinars, and workshops
  • Where possible, showcase employers with successful upskilling programs and provide them with a platform to celebrate their success and share their best practices with other employers including annual recognition through the Upskilling HEROES award


According to a recent survey by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, 94 percent of business leaders agree that internal training and development programs are among the most effective workforce development strategies. Upskilling helps employers:

  • Address the skills shortage—upskilling increases employees’ productivity and skill sets to bridge the skills gap
  • Retain talent—opportunities for career progression (or lack thereof) are key drivers of retention and turnover
  • Strengthen their organizational culture and brand—a reputation of investing in people strengthen companies’ reputations as employers of choice and corporate citizens

For more information, see A Guide To Upskilling America’s Frontline Workers: A Handbook for Employers

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