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3.1. COMPETITIVENESS. Increase the number of earn-and-learn opportunities in the region to expose employers to a broader range of candidates and improve candidates’ employability skills


  • Industry Partnerships (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Education & Training (Support)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Data & Evaluation (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

3.1.1. Organize a marketing and outreach campaign targeted at employers to increase the number of earn-and-learn slots available (Coordinate with Strategy 1.3

  • Develop marketing collateral (including a microsite and social media campaign) that describes earn-and-learn opportunities, makes the case for offering them, and directs employers to resources available 
  • Partner with industry associations, chambers of commerce and economic development corporations to distribute information to employers about the benefits of supporting working learners through channels such as newsletters, speaking engagements, webinars, and workshops
  • Where possible, showcase employers with successful earn-and-learn programs and provide them with a platform to celebrate their success and share their best practices with other employers

3.1.2. Provide support to employers interested in scaling up internship, summer job, and apprenticeship programming including curriculum development, and coordination of classroom training across employers. Distribute the employer toolkit (see Strategy 1.3.1) to provide additional guidance on how to set up earn-and-learn opportunities

  • Organize workshops on topics related to developing and managing earn-and-learn programs 
  • Assess whether employer interest exists to create a forum to exchange ideas and share best practices about earn-and-learn programs
  • Seek and support grants that expand access to work-based learning opportunities


Earn-and-learn experiences provide opportunities for individuals to learn and develop their skill sets while working. Internships, apprenticeships, and summer jobs are commonly used earn-and-learn models. These opportunities can be virtual, in person or a hybrid of the two approaches.

Examples of resources to support the development of earn-and-learn opportunities are listed below:

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