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2.4. PERSISTENCE. Enhance economically disadvantaged students’ persistence and completion rates


  • Education & Training (Lead)
  • Data & Evaluation (Support)
  • Backbone (Advisory)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Industry Partnerships (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

2.4.1. Work with training providers to analyze and address key drivers of persistence challenges

  • Set up a data and evaluation system to help providers identify where, when, and why economically disadvantaged students are dropping out
  • Organize peer exchanges to assist providers in addressing their unique challenges 

2.4.2. Adopt the use of evidence-based models for improving persistence among economically disadvantaged students 

  • Research and identify evidence-based models that can be utilized to support multiple training providers throughout the region
  • Work with individual training providers to evaluate the feasibility of adopting other evidence-based models that are tailored to their unique needs

2.4.3. Enhance and expedite access to wraparound services for economically disadvantaged students, including dependent care, career coaching, early warning/intervention systems, emergency financial assistance, legal assistance, health and mental healthcare, and financial literacy

  • Hold regular training sessions for career navigators, counselors, and advisors to provide them with better information on referring their clients to services and helping them access services
  • Identify specific shortages of wraparound services, and work collectively to identify resources and increase regional capacity to meet student needs

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