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2.2. CAPACITY. Grow capacity of regional training providers to meet the demand for middle-class workers


  • Education & Training (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Data & Evaluation (Support)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Support)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Industry Partnerships (Advisory)

2.2.1. Create a comprehensive inventory of training resources, including credit and non-credit courses, at regional colleges, ISDs, and for-profit/non-profit training providers 

  • Develop a crosswalk of high school endorsements offered by districts to programs and fields of study offered at post-secondary institutions
  • Document any constraints to program growth (e.g., student interest, instructor availability, classroom space, lab/instructional equipment, etc.)
  • Analyze capacity constraints and prioritize regional programmatic needs

2.2.2. Identify available funding sources to support program expansion and work with partners to secure this funding

  • Advocate for additional public funds where appropriate
  • Create partnerships or consortia to seek grants to fund program expansion
  • Facilitate the creation of partnerships with employers to increase employer involvement in training (e.g., donated equipment, instructor-on-loan, work-based learning) and in funding additional capacity

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