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1.4 CAREER NAVIGATION. Increase the use of career navigators in helping economically disadvantaged students and workers define career directions and set career goals 


  • Education & Training (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Communications (Advisory)
  • Data & Evaluation (Advisory)
  • Industry Partnerships (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

1.4.1. Increase the adoption of the career navigation model across the Talent Network

  • Assess the region’s current use of career navigators, cataloguing where they are used, what their focus is, and how many individuals they serve
  • Promote the establishment and adoption of coaching and case management standards 
  • Identify additional strategic venues to house career navigators that can easily access key target audiences and seek opportunities to extend college counseling services
  • Raise awareness of in-demand middle skill careers and connecting people to CBO partners and middle skill trainings (warm handoff)
  • How did you hear about us? Track where leads came from and conversion rate of links
  • Work with these venues to launch or host a career navigation program by connecting them with resources and technical expertise as needed


Career navigators provide individual guidance and assistance to economically disadvantaged individuals to help them access and succeed in training programs, attain credentials, and pursue quality careers. Example resources are provided below:

1.4.2. Enhance the support available to career navigators

  • Create an active network of career navigators to ease the distribution of information among them
  • Develop an online repository of resources and tools to support career navigators, including updated labor market information
  • Organize a regular forum for peer exchange and professional development for navigators 
    • Middle-skill job training webinars
    • Landing page with links to past recordings, flyers, Targeted Occupations List

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