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1.2. GENERAL AWARENESS. Design and execute campaigns targeted at key populations to raise awareness of high-demand entry-level and middle-skill careers


  • Communications (Lead)
  • Backbone (Support)
  • Industry Partnerships (Support)
  • Education & Training (Support)
  • Data & Evaluation (Advisory)
  • Policy & Systems Change (Advisory)

1.2.1. Distribute labor market and career information to partner organizations to ensure consistent and accurate messages are guiding workforce development activities across workforce development partners including industry sector partnerships, community-based organizations, and others.

  • Make materials accessible online in a “self-serve” format for partner organizations to use to educate themselves and their clients
  • Deliver this information to key groups such as school counselors, caseworkers, career counselors, and career navigators who advise students and workers on job searching and careers


  • Online Career Exploration Portal. An online destination for interested individuals to seek more information on high-demand careers, employers who are hiring, and where to get training. Examples: petrochemworks.com and skillful.com
  • Event or Activity Attendance. Information distribution at events where target audiences will attend. Examples: booth at Community Tax Centers,
    Women’s Resource Fair, Austin ISD Back to School Bash
  • Speaker Series. A panel discussion led by nearpeers or recent graduates who are working in a high-demand, middle-skill career to share their experiences and answer questions
  • Information Sessions. A presentation that provides an overview of high-demand entry-level and middle-skill careers and available resources to support individuals seeking to secure a job in one of these careers

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