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In order to address the impacts of COVID-19 and to support Texas’ continued economic recovery, our partners at the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) approved funding to support a new child care program to help workers in TWC-specified service industries. 

Workforce Solutions Capital Area currently has funding available for essential workers in the service industry to provide scholarships for child care services. You could qualify for 12 months of child care eligibility!

We are excited to serve Essential Workers in the following categories:

  • Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (such as actors, amusement and recreation attendants, fitness trainers, musicians and singers, etc.)
  • Accommodation and Food Service (such as hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks, waiters and waitresses, food preparation, chefs, etc.)
  • Retail Trade (such as cashiers, customer service representative, retail sales workers, stock clerks, etc.)

Maximum Gross (Pre-Tax) Income to participate:

Household SizeMaximum Yearly Income

The deadline to apply is March 14, 2022 for Service Industry Recovery childcare.

While TWC is targeting aspects of the service sector with Service Industry Recovery (SIR) child care, all families continue to have access to Workforce Solutions Capital Area’s regular income-based child care scholarship program.