Manufacturing is a key industry in Central Texas, with many businesses producing everything from microchips to medical equipment. Nestled in the heart of Austin, you’ll find Bearded Brothers, an organic snack brand that takes great pride in manufacturing just as much as it delights in customer experience.
Bearded Brothers has produced organic snack bars for 11 years and today employs eight people. The company is building its talented workforce by relying on partners like Workforce Solutions Capital Area and no-cost training resources like the Certified Production Technician program.
To date, the company has hired three program graduates to join their production and fulfilment team, said Nick Meyer, plant manager. While on the job, the graduates apply their classroom learnings through the entire production process, including fulfillment, machine operating and demand planning.

“We’re proud to be firmly rooted in Austin since our inception,” Nick said. “With the pool of applicants from this program, we have been able to tap into more opportunities to employ local candidates with a demonstrated interest to learn and grow in the production of high-quality snack bars.”
Bearded Brothers’ relationship with Workforce Solutions began in October 2021 through an introduction by the Austin Regional Manufacturers Association. Both Workforce Solutions, Bearded Brothers and the association participate in the Central Texas Manufacturing Partnership to support the region’s manufacturing industry.
The Certified Production Technician program is a joint effort by the Central Texas Manufacturing Partnership, with local employers and training providers Skillpoint Alliance and Austin Community College as members.
- The program trains individuals in the core competencies for front-line, advanced manufacturing occupations, from entry-level to supervisor.
- The curriculum was developed with input from numerous manufacturing employers to pass on the skills for today’s critical roles, leading to an industry-recognized credential.

“It creates a great base of manufacturing knowledge that sets program graduates up for success in manufacturing wherever they land upon graduation,” said Nick. “This is an excellent pool of candidates that are a wonderful value add to the team.”
Nick added, “We have had a great experience with the program and look forward to continuing to work with the program!”
Workforce Solutions connects local people to local jobs. We can assist your organization with growing your workforce and strengthening the skills of your talent with a variety of resources, all at no cost to you. Learn more here.
This is a great story! When we think of manufacturing, we don’t always envision a small home grown–and growing–organization. Kudos to Bearded Brothers for tapping into Workforce Solutions and hiring locally. And, thanks to Ed Latson of the Manufacturers Association who played matchmaker. Ed takes care of all of his members of all sizes and varieties. What great partnerships for our city!