Austin Coalition for Technology Collaboration

We are a tech-employer-led coalition who identify, prioritize, and pursue initiatives and opportunities that will benefit the industry.

Who We Are

What We Do

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Who We Are

Action-oriented employers from diverse industries with in-house tech/IT teams, united by our commitment to align and collaborate on advancing Austin’s tech ecosystem.


To proactively identify and act on opportunities to grow the Austin tech industry through the lens of local workforce development. Through our collective efforts, we seek to create a more inclusive, skilled, and adaptable workforce that can drive sustained growth and competitiveness for Austin’s tech industry. Workforce Solutions Capital Area provides staff support to assist with the coordination of the partnership, but it is built for and made up of action-driven Austin tech employers across industries. Read more


To build a future where Austin’s tech industry is thriving, powered by a skilled and diverse local workforce. By bringing together tech employers and workforce development partners under one roof, we aim to simplify collaboration and reduce the burden on employers. Our aim is to become the go-to resource for Austin industry trends, training, and development advice, guiding the direction of workforce development and adjacent partners. Together, we can create a more cohesive and effective ecosystem, ensuring that Austin remains a leader in tech for years to come. Read more

What we believe

A strong and healthy workforce community is essential to the continued success and vitality of the tech industry in Austin.

Who we serve

While we welcome Austin tech employers of all sizes, we have a special focus on supporting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

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What We Do


Austin’s status as a major global tech hub has highlighted a growing challenge of attracting and retaining mid- to senior-level tech professionals in the area.


We recognize an opportunity to address this demand and supply gap by focusing on four key aspects of workforce development:

  1. Awareness and enrollment;
  2. Training completion;
  3. Career placement; and
  4. Upskilling particularly for untapped local talent.


To increase the number of local residents in tech jobs, providing the industry with a stronger and consolidated pool of work-ready talent at all levels. Our first step is to gain a clear understanding of the current resources in the region and help other tech leaders do the same. With this knowledge, we aim to promote the integration of skills-based hiring into existing strategies, fostering authentic connections, and understanding within the Austin tech community.


As Austin grows into a tech hub, it’s attracting various communities — established and new, formal, and informal. While this growth has put Austin on the global map, it’s also creating a “dilution of community” in the tech scene.


To bridge the gap between these communities and create a cohesive tech community that attracts and retains talent and businesses, making the region globally competitive. Our name, Austin Coalition for Technology Collaboration, reflects our aim of fostering collaboration and unity within the tech community.


Our efforts in local and global research serve two crucial purposes.

  1. We aim to comprehensively grasp the unique value proposition of our region, not just limited to the contributions of our committees, but encompassing all aspects that make Austin a thriving tech hub. With this understanding, we can craft a compelling and cohesive narrative that highlights our strengths and propels us to the global stage.
  2. We recognize the importance of staying informed and up to date on the latest trends, innovations, and opportunities in the tech industry. By constantly monitoring and analyzing the market, we can identify emerging niches, promising funding sources, and potential partnerships that can benefit our local tech ecosystem. With this knowledge, we can provide recommendations and insights on how to shape the future of Austin’s tech scene, ensuring that it remains dynamic and competitive.


To keep Austin at the forefront of innovation and maintain its status as a premier destination for tech talent and investment. Our research efforts extend beyond local boundaries, allowing us to track global trends and developments that can impact our region. By having a broad perspective and understanding of the global tech landscape, we can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and position ourselves to take advantage of them.


Infrastructure is a critical pillar for any city’s growth and development, and Austin is no exception. As a tech hub, it is essential that we have a strong and modern infrastructure to support the needs of our growing tech industry. Our aim is to establish a committee focused on infrastructure and to bring together experts in the field to discuss and address the challenges we face.


One of our key priorities is to ensure that our voice is heard and that we are effective in influencing decisions related to infrastructure development in Austin. To do this, we need to share our priorities and ideas with decision-makers and policymakers as they set priorities and allocate funding for infrastructure projects. We want to leverage our knowledge and expertise to ensure that we are at the forefront of discussions related to infrastructure development in Austin.


One of our key strategies will be to leverage the expertise of our committee members and other influencers in the industry to get our message across to senior decision-makers behind infrastructure initiatives. We believe that by working together and sharing our knowledge, we can help shape the future of infrastructure development in Austin and create a more connected and prosperous city for all.

Join us at our quarterly tech leader convenings

Serve on a committee that advances the goals set at these convenings.

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