Don Flores - PhotoFrom mechanic to manager, Don Flores had spent more than 40 years in the car business.  Although Don had worked in almost every aspect of the business, when his employer underwent staffing changes, Don suddenly found himself in need of a new job.

However, rather than fall “victim” to unemployment, Don realized his new job was finding a job and took on the challenge.

“I’ve seen other people out of work,” says Don. “And I was determined not to look back at my time out of work as ‘wasted time’. Being out of work didn’t define me. It was just something I had to deal with.”

At one of the Workforce Solutions Capital Area job search workshops, Don was advised to keep a routine, including exercise. In the eight months he was out of work, Don did just that. He established a daily routine to keep himself active, engaged and accountable, including job searching, job application preparation, spending time with his family and exercising.

“When I first started [bike] riding, I’d be out of breath after one mile,” says Don. “I’m now up to 12 miles a day, 6 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Exercise really is one of the biggest stress relievers. When you’re looking for a job, you have your ups and downs but the bike rides really helped me. And I’m proud to see how far I’ve come. Not wasted time.”

Hard work and determination led to the end of Don’s unemployment and the start of a new career. Don feels the support and guidance he received from staff at Workforce Solutions Capital Area really helped him turn the page.

“In particular, I’d like to thank Mary Pleasant, who was so much help at the center in class and on the phone, Kathy Lansford-Powell whose classes were so valuable in writing my resume and in my interviews, and Dana Roberson who took the time to help me at her desk to go through the workforce “resume building” site which led me to the job I started this month. I feel that these good people understand what is was like to be unemployed and took a sincere interest in their dealings with me and everyone they help.”

Don adds, “The job I have now is probably the best darn job I’ve had. So maybe it was worth the wait…”

About Unemployment Insurance

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) handles all Unemployment Insurance (UI) matters related to benefits and requirements. However, Workforce Solutions Capital Area is here to serve UI claimants looking to find employment and/or to enhance their skills and marketability. For more information, visit