Goal 1: Career Awareness + Enrollment
We cultivate interest in high-demand, quality entry- and mid-level careers
1.1 Labor Market Info: Package and publish labor market and career information to support outreach activities
1.2 General Education: Design and execute campaigns targeted at key populations to raise awareness of high-demand, quality entry- and mid-level careers
1.3 Career Exploration: Provide meaningful career exploration opportunities for residents entering the labor force or considering changing careers. Such opportunities could include career orientations, career workshops, career fairs, job shadowing, work-based learning, site/workplace tours, and integration with career and technical education programs.
1.4 Provide Client Support + Referrals: Provide client support and referrals. Increase partnerships with basic needs, transportation, and affordable housing agencies.
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As Executive Director for InnovATBIO, the National Biotechnology Education Center, I feel career awareness, preparing students, and then working with industry to place them into a job is the most important task for our center. I appreciate that this approach is valued in the city of Austin. Biotechnology is growing in Central Texas, we need to recruit and prepare more people for jobs in this Industry. (www.innovatebio.org0