Connecting local
  • people
  • businesses
  • children

Connecting local
  • people
  • businesses
  • children

to local
  • jobs
  • talent
  • quality care

to local
  • jobs
  • talent
  • quality care

Our Services

Get Started

We provide specialized services at no cost, including career training, apprenticeship programs, scholarships, job search assistance, child care assistance, tailored business solutions and more.

Train for a Career

Our scholarships support training for some of the region’s high-skill, high-growth occupations.


Find a Job Now

Use our free, online job resource tools and get access to thousands of local and statewide jobs.

Child Care Scholarships

We support families with scholarships to afford high-quality child care.

Employer Services

Our tailored solutions at various levels of support can assist you with awareness-raising, training, placement, and upskilling.

Child Care Provider Partnerships

We partner with providers to help increase the quality of early childhood education.

Youth Services

We help young people complete their education to find and retain employment.

Our Services

Get Started

We provide specialized services at no cost, including career training, apprenticeship programs, scholarships, job search assistance, child care assistance, tailored business solutions and more.

Train for a Career

Our scholarships support training for some of the region’s high-skill, high-growth occupations.


Find a Job Now

Use our free, online job resource tools and get access to thousands of local and statewide jobs.

Child Care Scholarships

We support families with scholarships to afford high-quality child care.

Employer Services

Our tailored solutions at various levels of support can assist you with awareness-raising, training, placement, and upskilling.

Child Care Provider Partnerships

We partner with providers to help increase the quality of early childhood education.

Youth Services

We help young people complete their education to find and retain employment.

We have your back

We’re here to meet Travis County residents where they are — at any point of their career journey.

Excellent advice, help and support from the staff who are willing to help and advise you.

Harry T.

Knowledgeable and friendly staff. Extremely helpful resource connecting community members with jobs and training.

Keandra G.

Extremely friendly and helpful staff! It really made my day coming here to get what I needed done. Thank y’all!

Jasmine F.

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We are responsible for the data-driven planning, oversight, and evaluation of workforce development activities in Austin-Travis County.

Workforce Solutions is Austin-Travis County’s go-to resource for connection to higher-paying opportunities, such as the many transit and construction jobs tied to Project Connect.

Commissioner Jeff Travillion

Travis County


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